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Istanbul Olympics Bid 2032

Being the only city residing on two continents - Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a magnificent capital with one rich historic side and one advanced modern side. Istanbul's rich cultural history has led to a change in its landscape multiple times in the past. The purpose of this logo was to incorporate both those sides by reflecting Istanbul's historic stance through a modern geometric aesthetic. Join me on this exciting journey as I showcase Istanbul's passion for sports, culture, and diversity and get a glimpse of what the 2032 Olympics in Istanbul would look like!


Old Bid Logo

Artboard 1 copy 4IO.png

New Bid Logo

Artboard 75.png

Stylized geometric motif from The Blue Mosque


Artboard 75 copy.png

Tulip - The national flower of Turkey

Artboard 78.png

Blue Mosque

Turkey flag

Artboard 77.png
Artboard 1 copy 4IO.png

Primary Combination Mark

Artboard 1 copy 5IO.png

Secondary Combination Mark

Artboard 1 copy 6IO.png

Tertiary Combination Mark

The Games

4 IO.jpg
2 IO.jpg
14 IO_0.25x.png
1 IO.jpg
3 IO.jpg
13 IO.png


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6 IO.jpg


Instagram Mockup_0.5x.png
Barricade banner_0.5x.png
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